“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,
Says the Lord.”
Direction. I seek what I do not know daily. I want to know exactly who my wife will be, where I'll live, how many kids will I have, or the big one, when am I gonna die. All haunting questions we can't help but ask. All questions that at the push of a button I would accept. I Really hate not knowing. I keep thinking it will make life so much easier if I just had all the answers. The problem is, the more questions I am able to answer as I grow up, the more questions I am troubled with. When I keep my eyes on futuristic questions I don't have to deal with the answers I'm given today. Too many times the questions I asked years ago are being answered today, but because I'm so excited on asking the new ones I overlook what He has already made clear. Definitely one thing I have learned, the questions you ask are never answered in the way you prayed and had expected. There are many situations in which, if I would have known the outcome before I was supposed to, I would have ran as far as I could in the opposite direction. About a year ago now I was at a young adults bible study speaking with my assistant pastor. Amazing bible teacher. The subject of futuristic wealth and prosperity was brought up. thinking I was so wise I answered with “I wanna be rich enough to serve the Lord that I never have to think twice about having enough.” He chuckled and answered with “I only wanna have enough money to know I'll have a meal today, give us this day our daily bread is more than a prayer, it's an act of constant faith.” At the time I thought nothing of it but now I understand I was the idiot. He understood the verse we're all writing about so completely that his wisdom was the action to this verse, submitting your pride, submitting your humility, and turning it all into the act of faith. My thoughts are so definitely not His thoughts, and my ways aren't even close to His ways but that's awesome! Keeping it fresh. I am only here to look up, God will look forward. I'll never stop asking the questions, I just pray for the patience and faith that God will deliver them in His time.
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