“Do not be decieved: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
We see this theme written with different names all throughout culture. Acknowledging this concept in almost every religion, it is mostly referred to as Carma given name by the Buddhist culture. When most people are introduced to this concept they take on the idea that they just need to do more good and therefore the punishments won't be as strong. The only ones who “succeed” at beating Carma are guys dressed up in orange garments and separate themselves from society for the rest of their lives. Even then, they never escape this vicious concept. God created us to be perfect, but we failed. And we continue to fail everyday whether we do it in the mountains of Tibett or in the cities of Boston, we fail. Adam and Eve initially was at fault for bringing sin into this world, but it is us that keep biting that fruit every single day. We can't escape it, we were born into sin. Many will try to bend and make rules explaining why this law of nature doesn't exist to them, but only one answer stands above all the rest. Christ. Only because Christ came in and payed our ransom. Only because he stepped in and became our ultimate get out of jail free card. If it were up to us to conquer this concept, you would be a fool to think we can defeat it alone. Only one of us was perfect, and He who was perfect loved the rest of us enough to be beaten and crucified, so we can be perfectly covered by His blood. He who was never bound by jail, became bound so we can all be freed. That, and that alone is the only answer to this age old question. We do reap what we sow with or without Christ, but with Him we win, without Him we lose tragically. The good we reap within Christ is good for God, the good we reap without Christ is a hamster in a wheel, thinking he is gaining, but only thinking.
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